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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT バズ部 月間50万PVを超えたオウンドメディアの10のデータを解析 https://lucy.ne.jp/bazubu/result-of-analysis-owned-media-46903.html 解析 2023-01-31 09:37:42
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「バッグを持ち歩かない人のバッグ」に込めたアイデアとは デザイナー・秋田道夫さんに聞く https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2301/31/news194.html ITmediaNews「バッグを持ち歩かない人のバッグ」に込めたアイデアとはデザイナー・秋田道夫さんに聞くLED薄型信号機や“Suicaチャージ機など、多くの人が目にする製品を手掛けてきた著名プロダクトデザイナーの秋田道夫氏。 2023-01-31 18:35:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 3回以上リピート購入しているニキビケア商品、「美容液」や「洗顔料」より多かった1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/31/news184.html itmedia 2023-01-31 18:26:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 今年の訪日外国人数「2000万人」到達か、JTB推計 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/31/news192.html itmedia 2023-01-31 18:24:00
AWS AWS - Japan Amazon Connect と データ分析で実現する顧客導線の見える化【AWS Black Belt】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEemFINAvmM AmazonConnectとデータ分析で実現する顧客導線の見える化【AWSBlackBelt】AmazonConnectにはコンタクトセンターに必要な機能が標準で備わっております。 2023-01-31 09:32:05
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonチートシート - Dict型の使い方一覧 https://qiita.com/K_Nemoto/items/a6b5026f0262373ad381 自然言語処理 2023-01-31 18:56:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 二値分類で使えそうなkfold~等しい割合でsplit~ https://qiita.com/heikoushihenkeisato/items/f6419e276fb0c04ec547 litsshuffletruefortrainin 2023-01-31 18:02:23
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PHPとJavaScriptを連携する https://qiita.com/SSaitou/items/1215c7ad1f0f51bc27f3 chrome 2023-01-31 18:19:35
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GAME言語で、エラトステネスの篩により素数を求める https://qiita.com/fygar256/items/4bda1b8f33089f142daf usrbingamepcprimesuptonai 2023-01-31 18:22:08
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DockerでLaravelが重すぎたのでvendorとstorageをマウントしないことで解決した気がする https://qiita.com/ryo_one/items/cced7c7b6e21527ad81e docker 2023-01-31 18:58:29
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 仮想化/コンテナ/Dockerについて https://qiita.com/ebidevelopper1088/items/425458ac11c2572cac7a docker 2023-01-31 18:03:25
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita リレーションとアソシエーションの違いをアリでもわかるようにまとめておく https://qiita.com/m6mmsf/items/08e3e11dd764d8d8f425 関係 2023-01-31 18:20:29
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS Config カスタム LambdaルールでAmazon Elasticache for Redisの保管時暗号化設定をチェックしてみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/elasticache-redis-encryption-at-rest-check/ amazonelasticacheforredis 2023-01-31 09:46:01
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Notion AI]テキストの精査を翻訳を繰り返す形で行ってみる https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/text-check-by-translation-with-notion-ai/ notionai 2023-01-31 09:27:42
技術ブログ Developers.IO MixpanelのFlowsで最適なフロー図を可視化する! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/mixpanel-flows-howtouse/ flows 2023-01-31 09:01:42
海外TECH DEV Community Cloud Storage in AWS https://dev.to/aws-builders/cloud-storage-in-aws-2j89 Cloud Storage in AWSCloud storage is a rapidly growing technology that provides users with the ability to store and access their data over the internet With the increasing demand for cloud storage the market is flooded with different types of cloud storage solutions each with its unique set of features and benefits In this article we will discuss what cloud storage is types of data storage in the cloud and storage services offered by AWS Cloud Storage DefinedCloud storage is a cloud computing model that stores data on the Internet through a cloud computing provider who manages and operates data storage as a service It s delivered on demand with just in time capacity and costs and eliminates buying and managing your own data storage infrastructure This gives you agility global scale and durability with “anytime anywhere data access AWSCloud storage is a form of data storage that entails the use of remote servers which can be accessed over the internet rather than relying on local servers or personal computers A cloud storage provider manages maintains and backs up the stored data making it possible for users to access their data from any device connected to the internet This approach to data storage offers several key benefits such as scalability accessibility and disaster recovery which are attractive to individuals and organizations seeking to store large amounts of data In addition cloud storage can be utilized for a variety of purposes including backups file sharing and big data analytics Types of Data Storage in the CloudChoosing the right type of data storage in the cloud can be a complex task as each option is designed to serve a specific purpose To help make informed decisions about data storage needs it s important to understand the different types of cloud storage available In this section we will dive into the main types of data storage used in the cloud including Object storageFile storageBlock storage Object StorageObject storage is a data storage architecture that operates by managing data as individual objects as opposed to the traditional file system or block level storage approach Object storage uses a unique identifier known as a key to store objects The contents of an object store can be distributed across multiple servers which increases availability and durability Additionally object storage data may be replicated across multiple data centers providing easy access through simple web service interfaces Characterized by its ability to offer unlimited scalability object storage is an efficient solution for the storage of vast amounts of unstructured data such as images videos backups and archives The utilization of object storage results in cost effectiveness limitless scalability exceptional durability and heightened accessibility File StorageFile storage refers to the process of storing and organizing digital files on a computer or network attached storage NAS device This system employs a hierarchical file organization consisting of directories subdirectories and individual files each with its distinct name and the potential to contain a variety of data including text images audio and video File storage may be either local or remote and can be accessed through either a file transfer protocol FTP or network file system NFS File storage solutions are well suited for the management of large content repositories development environments media stores and user home directories due to their ability to preserve a folder structure and provide network access The advantages of file storage are extensive including organization accessibility security and dependability Block StorageBlock storage is a type of data storage architecture that divides data into blocks as opposed to being organized in a continuous stream of bytes and then stored across a system that can be physically distributed to maximize efficiency Each block operates as a separate unit of storage enabling independent allocation reading and writing This type of storage is often utilized for holding vast quantities of structured data including databases virtual machines and file systems The data is stored on physical storage devices such as hard drives or solid state drives and is either directly connected to a server or accessed via a network This can be accessed directly through APIs or http https The primary benefit of block storage is its exceptional performance making it an ideal solution for applications that demand quick access to large amounts of data Instance StoresInstance stores also known as ephemeral storage are block level storage volumes that behave like physical hard drives They are storage disks that are physically attached to the host computer for example an EC instance and hence has the same lifespan as the instance The data stored in an instance store persists only during the life of the associated EC instance Instance store is ideal for use cases where the data needs to be accessed frequently and quickly such as for high performance databases and caching workloads However it is important to note that if the underlying host fails the data stored in an instance store will be lost Whenever the instance is terminated the data stored on it is deleted This makes it unsuitable for long term data storage Storage Services offered by AWSAmazon Web Services AWS offers a variety of cloud storage options for businesses and individuals Understanding the different types of cloud storage in AWS is important for determining the best fit for your storage needs Here are some of the most popular types of cloud storage in AWS Amazon Elastic Block Store Amazon EBS This contradicts the instance store because it stores data for a long time and in a situation that an Amazon EC instance is terminated the data stored on it still remains accessible It provides block level storage volumes that work with EC instances With EBS you can create virtual hard drives called EBS Volumes which can be attached to your instance they aren t tied directly to the host When you write to an instance volume data persists Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S Amazon S is an object level storage service It offers the ability to store and access data in the form of objects which are organized into buckets These objects can be anything from images texts videos or binary files S is designed to provide scalable highly durable and highly available data storage for a vast array of use cases such as big data analytics backup and disaster recovery and web and mobile applications The service guarantees data durability through automatic replication across multiple Availability Zones within an AWS region Additionally it offers versioning capabilities enabling users to retain and access multiple iterations of an object over time Amazon S features different storage classes each designed to meet specific data retrieval and availability needs This allows users to choose the best storage option for their specific requirements These storage classes include S Standard This default storage option for Amazon S is optimized for high performance low latency access to frequently used data It offers exceptional durability and availability ensuring data is stored across a minimum of three Availability Zones for optimal resiliency This storage option is ideal for organizations that require quick and reliable access to their data S Standard Infrequent Access S Standard IA Amazon S Infrequent Access is a good option for storing data that is accessed less frequently but requires rapid access when needed It provides high durability by storing data across a minimum of three Availability Zones while also offering lower storage prices and higher retrieval prices This storage class is ideal for backups disaster recovery files and other objects that require long term storage S One Zone Infrequent Access S One Zone IA The S One Zone storage option is intended for data that is infrequently accessed and where lower availability and durability is acceptable This option stores data in a single Availability Zone offering a lower storage cost compared to S Standard IA while still providing high durability and availability S Intelligent Tiering The S Intelligent Tiering storage option provides flexible data management by automatically shifting data between two storage classes based on evolving access patterns For instance if an object has not been accessed for days Amazon S moves it to the S Standard Infrequent Access storage class This storage option offers an optimized solution for data with unpredictable access patterns S Glacier S glacier is a secure durable and extreme low cost S storage The S Glacier storage class is designed for data archiving and long term backup This storage option is ideal for organizations that need to store data for several years for auditing purposes and do not require rapid retrieval It provides a cost effective solution for preserving data over an extended period of time S Glacier Deep Archive Amazon S Glacier is a cost effective long term storage solution designed specifically for data archiving and backup With retrieval times of hours or more it is the lowest cost object storage class for archiving This storage class is ideal for organizations looking to store large amounts of data for extended periods with a focus on minimizing cost and retrieval time Amazon Elastic File System Amazon EFS Amazon Elastic File System EFS is a cloud based file storage solution It is a serverless and scalable file system Because it is elastic your file system automatically grows and shrinks as you add and remove files EFS is specifically designed to support use cases that require shared access to data such as big data processing content management and web serving It enables multiple EC instances to access a shared file system simultaneously making it effortless to share data between instances Amazon EFS offers high levels of availability and durability as it stores multiple redundant copies of data across multiple Availability Zones within an AWS region This ensures that the data is always accessible even in the case of hardware failures or other infrastructure issues Instance stores vs AWS Storage classesInstance stores have distinct characteristics compared to other AWS storage services such as Amazon S and Amazon EBS They are physically attached to the host computer of an EC instance providing block level storage optimized for rapid access with low latency In comparison S and EBS are network attached storage accessed through the internet Instance stores lack persistence meaning that any data stored in them will be lost if the EC instance terminates or its host computer fails Conversely data stored in S and EBS is automatically replicated and can be accessed persistently The capacity of instance stores is limited to the physical storage of the host computer while S and EBS offer unlimited capacity Instance stores are suitable for temporary storage of instance local data that is frequently accessed such as caching temporary data processing or as a scratch disk for high performance computing applications On the other hand S and EBS are best for storing critical data that must be persistently stored and accessed over a longer period In summary instance stores offer fast low latency storage for temporary data and S and EBS offer durable persistent storage for critical data The choice between the two depends on the specific storage requirements of the application ConclusionIn conclusion cloud storage in AWS offers a flexible and scalable solution for storing and accessing data It provides a range of storage options including S EBS and EFS to meet different data storage needs It also offers features such as data management security and disaster recovery making it a highly secure and reliable solution for businesses and organizations The pay as you go pricing model and on demand access to storage resources make AWS a cost effective choice for organizations of all sizes 2023-01-31 09:37:18
海外TECH DEV Community Recreating Nike - Medusa & Next.js https://dev.to/stef4n24/recreating-nike-medusa-nextjs-g8g Recreating Nike Medusa amp Next js Introduction GitHub RepositoryAll the code presented in this article is accessible here What is Medusa Medusa is the Open Source headless commerce platform on GitHub It uses Node js and its architecture makes it easy to incorporate Medusa with any tech stack to build cross platform eCommerce stores What is Next js Next js is an Open Source React framework It adds several extra features including server side rendering Next js is used by many large websites including Netflix Starbucks Twitch and Nike PrerequisitesBefore you start make sure your Node js version is up to date Create a backend using Medusa CLI Install the Medusa CLIMedusa CLI can be installed by using either npm or yarn This tutorial uses npm npm install medusajs medusa cli g Create a new Medusa servermedusa new my medusa store seedThe seed parameter fills the database with a default user and default products my medusa store is your store s name you may replace it with your preferred name If the setup was successful the following should output in your console info Your new Medusa project is ready for you To start developing run cd my medusa storemedusa develop Connect the Admin panel to the Medusa ServerThe Medusa Admin panel makes it easy to manage your store by providing a way to manage all of your products discounts customers and administrator users in one place Clone the Medusa Admin repository git clone medusa admincd medusa admin Run the command below to install all dependencies npm install Start itnpm startMedusa admin runs on port Navigate to localhost using your browser to access your admin panel Because you used the seed parameter an admin account has been created The e mail is admin medusa test com and the password is supersecret Visit this guide to learn more about Medusa s Admin panel Create the pagesIn a different directory create a new Next js project npx create next app nike remake storefrontYou may replace nike remake storefront with your store s name After installing open the project in your favorite code editor FunctionalityWhen the user first visits the site a cart is created and saved into their browser s local storage which will be used to handle any products being added Next the user loads the three newest products and they are loaded in the Newest Arrivals showcase When the user clicks on one of the products they are taken to the product page The page is being passed an id parameter which is hidden from the user The product page then takes that parameter and gives it to the Gallery and AddToBag components Finally the cart page fetches the user s cart using an API request and gives them to the Bag and Subtotal components The Bag component takes all the products the user has in their cart and shows them in a list containing the product s name description and price The Subtotal component shows the subtotal of the user s order and prompts them with a button to check out StylingIn the styles directory delete the Home module css file Replace the globals css file with this html body padding margin font family Helvetica Neue Helvetica Arial sans serif a color inherit text decoration none box sizing border box media prefers color scheme dark html color scheme dark body color black background white All styles will be handled in the component files themselves Create the index pageIn the root directory create a components directory Next create a Navbar js file with the following contents import Image from next image import Link from next link import useEffect useState from react export default function Navbar const getCartLength setCartLength useState useEffect gt let id localStorage getItem cart id if id fetch http localhost store carts id credentials include then response gt response json then cart gt setCartLength cart items length catch gt fetch http localhost store carts method POST credentials include then response gt response json then cart gt if cart localStorage setItem cart id cart id setCartLength cart items length if id fetch http localhost store carts method POST credentials include then response gt response json then cart gt if cart localStorage setItem cart id cart id setCartLength cart items length useEffect gt let prevScrollpos window scrollY window onscroll function let currentScrollPos window scrollY if prevScrollpos gt currentScrollPos gt currentScrollPos window document getElementById navbar style top else window document getElementById navbar style top px prevScrollpos currentScrollPos return lt div id navbar style display flex width height px background white position fixed top px transition top s gt lt Link style position absolute left rem href gt lt Image src logo png width height alt Store logo gt lt Link gt lt Link href cart style display flex alignItems center position absolute right rem height px gt lt p gt getCartLength lt p gt lt Image src navbar cart svg width height alt Cart gt lt Link gt lt div style display flex flexWrap wrap gap px justifyContent center alignItems center width height px gt lt Link href style fontSize px fontWeight lineHeight gt Products lt Link gt lt Link href style fontSize px fontWeight lineHeight gt Shoes lt Link gt lt Link href style fontSize px fontWeight lineHeight gt Sale lt Link gt lt div gt lt div gt This component uses useEffect the script inside it lines will only run client side and it checks to see if the user scrolls If the user scrolls upward it will show the navigation bar else it will hide it We also implemented all the cart functionality inside it since it will be a global component Next you ll need the Headline element Inside the components Landing folder create a Headline js file with the following contents import Image from next image export default function Headline return lt div gt lt div style display flex justifyContent center alignItems center flexDirection column width height px gt lt p style marginBottom gt Inspired By A Popular Shoe Store lt p gt lt h style fontWeight fontSize px margin letterSpacing px textAlign center textTransform uppercase gt Do you like it lt h gt lt p style fontSize px textAlign center gt This is a store that you amp apos ll like This is the store that sells the best shoes This is lt b gt THE lt b gt store lt p gt lt div gt lt Image src headline banner png width height alt Banner image style width height auto gt lt div gt After that the user needs somewhere where he can see the newest products Create a Products js file in the components Landing folder with these contents import Link from next link import useEffect useState from react export default function Products const products setProducts useState useEffect gt fetch http localhost store products limit then response gt response json then data gt setProducts data products return lt div style marginLeft rem marginRight rem gt lt div gt lt p style fontSize px gt Newest Arrivals lt p gt lt div gt lt div style display flex flexWrap wrap gap rem justifyContent center gt products map product gt lt Link key product id href product prod product id as style width px gt lt div key product id style width height calc vw backgroundImage url product thumbnail backgroundSize contain backgroundPosition center center backgroundRepeat no repeat gt lt p style display inline block marginBottom gt product title lt p gt lt p style display inline block float right gt product variants prices currency code toUpperCase product variants prices amount lt p gt lt p style marginTop width color gt product description lt p gt lt Link gt lt div gt lt div gt This component uses both useEffect and useState useState is a hook that allows you to store state variables This component also uses map which calls a function for every element in an array in this example the element being one of the three products received from the Medusa server using fetch Finally open the pages index js file and assemble the front page import Head from next head import Navbar from components Navbar import Products from components Landing Products import Headline from components Landing Headline export default function Home return lt div gt lt Head gt lt title gt Nike Remake lt title gt lt meta name description content Made using Next amp Medusa gt lt link rel icon href favicon ico gt lt Head gt lt Navbar gt lt div style height px gt lt Headline gt lt Products gt lt div gt You now have a complete front page Create the product pageStart by creating the components Inside the components Product directory create two files AddToBag jsGallery jsAddToBag is self explanatory it is the button that adds the selected product to the cart Gallery is the image gallery of the product Inside the AddToBag js file paste this in import Router from next router export default function AddToBag cart id return lt div onClick gt fetch http localhost store carts cart line items method POST credentials include headers Content Type application json body JSON stringify variant id id quantity then gt Router push style position absolute bottom display flex justifyContent center width minHeight px background black color white borderRadius px gt lt p style margin rem gt Add to Bag lt p gt lt div gt This component checks when the button is clicked by using the onClick property and sends a post request to the server with the cart and variant ID so the product gets added to the user s cart The content of the Gallery js file is import Image from next image export default function Gallery gallery return lt div style display grid gridTemplateColumns repeat auto fit minmax px fr justifyContent center width vw gt gallery map product gt return lt Image src product url key product url alt Preview Image width height style width auto height px gt lt div gt And finally create the product page by creating the pages product js file with the following contents import Head from next head import useRouter from next router import useEffect useState from react import Navbar from components Navbar import Gallery from components Product Gallery import AddToBag from components Product AddToBag import Products from components Products export default function Product const router useRouter const getProdTitle setProdTitle useState Placeholder const getProdDescription setProdDescription useState Placeholder const getProdVariant setProdVariant useState null const getProdPrice setProdPrice useState Placeholder const getProdPriceCurrency setProdPriceCurrency useState Placeholder const getProdGallery setProdGallery useState const getCartId setCartId useState null useEffect gt setCartId localStorage getItem cart id if router query prod fetch http localhost store products router query prod credentials include then response gt response json then obj gt if obj product router push setProdTitle obj product title toString setProdDescription obj product description setProdVariant obj product variants id setProdPrice obj product variants prices amount setProdPriceCurrency obj product variants prices currency code setProdGallery obj product images return lt div gt lt Head gt lt title gt Nike Remake getProdTitle lt title gt lt meta name description content Made using Next amp Medusa gt lt link rel icon href favicon ico gt lt Head gt lt Navbar gt lt div style height px gt lt div style display flex justifyContent center gt lt Gallery gallery getProdGallery gt lt div style marginLeft px position relative gt lt p style fontSize px marginBottom px gt getProdTitle lt p gt lt p style fontSize px marginTop px width px gt getProdDescription lt p gt lt p gt getProdPriceCurrency toUpperCase getProdPrice lt p gt lt AddToBag cart getCartId id getProdVariant gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt Create the cart pageStart by creating the components The first component will be the Bag component which will show you what items you have in your bag Create a new directory called Cart in the components folder and create a new file called Bag js import Image from next image export default function Bag items currency return lt div style width gt lt p style fontSize px gt Bag lt p gt items map item gt return lt div key item id style display flex paddingBottom px width gt lt Image alt Image of item title src item thumbnail width height style width auto height px gt lt div style paddingLeft px width gt lt p style fontSize px display inline block gt item title lt p gt lt p style display inline block float right gt currency toUpperCase item unit price lt p gt lt p style color rgb gt item variant product description lt p gt lt p style color rgb gt item description lt p gt lt div style width height rem backgroundColor EEE gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt Next create another file called Subtotal js which will host your Subtotal component import Router from next router export default function Subtotal subtotal return lt div style width vw height px minWidth px gt lt p style fontSize px gt Summary lt p gt lt div gt lt p style display inline block gt Subtotal lt p gt lt p style display inline block float right gt subtotal lt p gt lt div gt lt div style width height rem backgroundColor EEE gt lt div onClick gt Router push checkout style display flex justifyContent center width minHeight px marginTop rem background black color white borderRadius px gt lt p style margin rem gt Checkout lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt Finally assemble the page by creating a file named cart js in the pages directory import Head from next head import Router from next router import useEffect useState from react import Navbar from components Navbar import Bag from components Cart Bag import Subtotal from components Cart Subtotal export default function Cart const getCartCurrency setCartCurrency useState EUR const getCartSubtotal setCartSubtotal useState EUR const getCartItems setCartItems useState useEffect gt const cart localStorage getItem cart id if cart fetch http localhost store carts cart credentials include then response gt response json then cart gt setCartSubtotal cart subtotal setCartCurrency cart region currency code setCartItems cart items catch gt Router push return lt div gt lt Head gt lt title gt Nike Remake Cart lt title gt lt meta name description content Made using Next amp Medusa gt lt link rel icon href favicon ico gt lt Head gt lt Navbar gt lt div style height px gt lt div style display flex flexDirection row flexWrap wrap justifyContent center gt lt Bag items getCartItems currency getCartCurrency gt lt Subtotal subtotal getCartSubtotal gt lt div gt lt div gt ConclusionIn this tutorial you have successfully created a storefront similar to Nike s The storefront only implements the add to cart functionality and product listing You may need to implement a page that lists products Here is a tutorial on implementing the checkout flow Here is a blog post about implementing features from Nike s store into Medusa If you have any issues or questions related to Medusa reach out to the Medusa team amp community on Discord 2023-01-31 09:04:20
海外TECH Engadget A new AI voice tool is already being abused to deepfake celebrity audio clips https://www.engadget.com/ai-voice-tool-deepfake-celebrity-audio-clips-094648743.html?src=rss A new AI voice tool is already being abused to deepfake celebrity audio clipsA few days ago speech AI startup ElevenLabs launched a beta version of its platform that gives users the power to create entirely new synthetic voices for text to speech audio or to clone somebody s voice Well it only took the internet a few days to start using the latter for vile purposes The company has revealed on Twitter that it s seeing an quot increasing number of voice cloning misuse cases quot and that it s thinking of a way to address the problem by quot implementing additional safeguards quot While ElevenLabs didn t elaborate on what it meant by quot misuse cases quot Motherboard found chan posts with clips featuring generated voices that sound like celebrities reading or saying something questionable One clip for instance reportedly featured a voice that sounded like Emma Watson reading a part of Mein Kampf Users also posted voice clips that feature homophobic transphobic violent and racist sentiments It s not entirely clear if all the clips used ElevenLab s technology but a post with a wide collection of the voice files on chan included a link to the startup s platform nbsp Perhaps this emergence of quot deepfake quot audio clips shouldn t come as a surprise seeing as a few years ago we d seen a similar phenomenon take place Advances in AI and machine learning had led to a rise in deepfake videos specifically deepfake pornography wherein existing pornographic materials are altered to use the faces of celebrities And yes people used Emma Watson s face for some of those videos nbsp ElevenLabs is now gathering feedback on how to prevent users from abusing its technology At the moment its current ideas include adding more layers to its account verification to enable voice cloning such as requiring users to enter payment info or an ID It s also considering having users verify copyright ownership of the voice they want to clone such as getting them to submit a sample with prompted text Finally the company is thinking of dropping its Voice Lab tool altogether and having users submit voice cloning requests that it has to manually verify nbsp Crazy weekend thank you to everyone for trying out our Beta platform While we see our tech being overwhelmingly applied to positive use we also see an increasing number of voice cloning misuse cases We want to reach out to Twitter community for thoughts and feedback ーElevenLabs elevenlabsio January 2023-01-31 09:46:48
医療系 医療介護 CBnews ケアプランデータ連携システム、説明会動画公開-厚労省 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20230131183435 youtube 2023-01-31 18:45:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 公社債・エクイティ市場の動向について https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/shijyoudoukou/index.html 市場 2023-01-31 10:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 入札公告等を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/choutatu/choutatu_j/nyusatu_menu.html 公告 2023-01-31 11:00:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 ヤマダHDが中古家電の再利用工場を新設へ。買い取った使用済み家電を分解・洗浄し、部品交換も。年間生産を2024年度中に現状の6割増となる30万台まで増やし、需要拡大に対応します。 https://t.co/lqMWUWHsyS https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1620353719006109697 2023-01-31 09:30:05
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 日銀議事録・地域の人口移動・ファーウェイ禁輸 https://t.co/bAWk8IbM6K https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1620352622644559874 人口移動 2023-01-31 09:25:44
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 RT @nikkei: 人口の東京一極集中が再加速 22道県は流出拡大 https://t.co/2qmCtPLJk3 東京都の「転入超過」が3年ぶりに拡大。新型コロナ禍の影響が薄れ、2022年は3万8023人でした。(無料記事です) https://t.co/kU5hth5… https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1620351064028631040 RTnikkei人口の東京一極集中が再加速道県は流出拡大東京都の「転入超過」が年ぶりに拡大。 2023-01-31 09:19:32
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 日本交通、子育て女性を運転手に 人手不足でパートでも 【日経イブニングスクープ】 https://t.co/DuURzkhfI3 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1620348344899104769 人手不足 2023-01-31 09:08:44
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 今夜のプラス9 中国BYD上陸、日本勢の勝算は? https://t.co/0XGlI9J1v5 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1620347342942785537 日本勢 2023-01-31 09:04:45
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles U.S. and South Korea to hold ‘tabletop’ exercises on nuclear threats next month https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/01/31/asia-pacific/us-south-korea-defense-chiefs-extended-deterrence/ U S and South Korea to hold tabletop exercises on nuclear threats next monthTalks by the two countries defense chiefs came amid rising public support in Seoul for developing its own nuclear weapons after North Korea s record breaking flurry 2023-01-31 18:07:56
ニュース BBC News - Home Shoppers turn to own-label lines to save money https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64457337?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA prices 2023-01-31 09:03:44
ニュース BBC News - Home Constance Marten: Police offer £10,000 in missing couple and baby hunt https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64465612?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA offender 2023-01-31 09:50:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Pakistan mosque blast: More confirmed dead in marathon search of rubble https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-64462321?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA peshawar 2023-01-31 09:18:37
ニュース BBC News - Home Matt Hancock: I'm a Celeb appearance not primarily about money https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64464928?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA celeb 2023-01-31 09:50:16
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 「FRBは年内に利下げする」と決めつける人の死角 インフレは本当に早期に沈静化するのか? | 市場観測 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/649496?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2023-01-31 19:00:00
ニュース Newsweek 南部州からNYにバス移送された不法移民は今どうなった? https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2023/01/ny-653.php だが月日にバスで移送された不法移民たちは、テント村から出て、自分たちが目にした状況について抗議の声を上げている。 2023-01-31 18:31:09
IT 週刊アスキー サンワサプライ、VGA映像出力ポートが付いたUSBハブ「USB-3TCV1BK」を発表 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/122/4122842/ 発売予定 2023-01-31 18:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『白猫GOLF』に新ゴルファー「カルマ(CV:吉野 裕行さん)」が登場! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/122/4122846/ 吉野裕行 2023-01-31 18:15:00
マーケティング AdverTimes アジャイルメディア、popteamを売却 SNS運用自動化…350万円で https://www.advertimes.com/20230131/article410416/ digitalpanda 2023-01-31 09:29:10



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